Student Technology Device Agreement Access and Support: This Agreement is entered into between the Grosse Pointe Public School System, the Student and the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of the Student. 1. Applicable Policies: In using the device, the student is subject to and must comply with District's Board of Education Policies, Authorization for Internet Access Student Policy and Student Handbook Policies addressing student discipline, harassment/bullying, and acceptable use of electronic network/technology and their associated administrative procedures and regulations. A violation of any of these policies could result in loss of network privileges, loss of right to use the device, or appropriate discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion. Expectations 1. Students may not: a. Disrupt the educational process of the school district through non-educational use of the device; b. Endanger the health or safety of themselves or anyone else through the use of the device; c. Invade the rights and privacy of others at school through the use of the device; d. Engage in illegal or prohibited conduct of any kind through the use of the device; or e. Violate the conditions and rules of acceptable use of electronic network/technology. 2. Maintenance of device. Student must keep the device in good and working condition. In addition to following the manufacturer's maintenance requirements, students should: a. Use only a clean, soft cloth to clean the device's screen. No cleansers of any type should be used; b. Insert and remove cords and cables carefully to prevent damage to connectors; c. Not write or draw on the device or apply any stickers or labels that are not property of the District; d. Handle the device carefully and ensure others do the same; e. Not leave the device in places of extreme temperature, humidity, or limited ventilation (e.g., in a car) for an extended period of time; Secure the device when it is out of their sight. The device should not be left in an unlocked locker, a desk, or other location where someone else might take it; g. Use a protective carrying case with the device. f. 3. Daily Use of device. Unless otherwise instructed, the device is intended for use at school every day. If students are permitted to use the device at home, they are responsible for bringing it to school every day, fully charged. 4. No Unauthorized Software or Data. Only legally licensed software, apps, media, or other data is permitted on the device. Students will not download software, apps, media or other data (including songs, photos, or videos) without a District employee's prior approval. Students will not replace the manufacturer's operating system with
custom software (i.e., jailbreak" the device), or remove or modify the District-installed device configuration. 5. No Right to Privacy. The devices are District property; therefore, the District may examine the devices and search their contents at any time for any reason. Neither students nor parents/guardians have any right to privacy of any data saved on the device or in a cloud-based account to which the device connects. The school administration may involve law enforcement, if it is possible the device may have been used for an illegal purpose. Additional Terms 1. Damage to or Loss of device. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for their child's use of the device, including any damage to or loss of the device. a. Accidental Damage: In the event of accidental damage to the device which is greater than $50, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the cost of repair. GPPSS will fund the remainder of the repair. b. Theft: In the event of theft, upon presentation of a filed police report, the parent is responsible for the first $50 of the replacement cost. GPPSS will fund the remainder of the replacement cost, for a single occurrence. c. Loss: In the event that the device is lost, the parents are responsible to cover the entire replacement cost. The decision to assess a charge, as well as the amount of any charge, is at the sole discretion of the District, but will not be greater than the full replacement value of the device. 2. Hardware or Functionality Problems. If a problem arises with the functionality of a student's device, the student must notify his or her classroom teacher of the problem within 24 hours or on the next school day. Under no circumstances may the student or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) attempt to fix or allow anyone but District staff the attempt to fix suspected hardware faults or the device's operating system. Do not take the device to any repair shop; the student should report the issue to his/her classroom teacher, who will report it to the District's Technology Department. 3. Failure to Return the Device. If a student fails to return the device and any assigned accessories as directed, the District may, in addition to seeking reimbursement from the student's parent(s)/guardian(s), file a theft report with local law enforcement authorities. 4. Internet Filter Outside of School. Although the District employs Internet filters and monitors students' Internet activity at school, it may not filter or monitor students' Internet access at home or off school grounds. By signing this Agreement, parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and acknowledge this and agree that their child's use of the Internet on the device at home or off of school grounds is at the discretion of, and should be monitored by, the parent(s)/guardian(s). Some sites accessible via the Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive to some people. Parent(s)/guardian(s) assume complete responsibility for the Internet access beyond the network provided by the District. When using the device outside the District, students are bound by the same policies, procedures, and guidelines as in school. 5. Data as Records. Data saved to the device is not maintained by the District as public records or as student records. In the event this data needs to be maintained by the District for any reason, the District will take affirmative steps to preserve it.
6. Waiver of Device-Related Claims. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to follow all responsibilities outlined in this Agreement and agree to be bound by this Agreement. You also agree that the device was delivered in good working order and acknowledge that it must be returned to the District in good working order. By signing this Agreement, you waive any and all claims you (and your heirs, successors, and assigns) may have against GPPSS, its Board of Education and its individual Board members, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, damages, losses, causes of action, and the like relating to, connected with, or arising from the use of the device or from this Agreement. 7. Indemnification for device-Related Claims. To the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless GPPSS, its Board of Education, and its individual Board members, employees and agents, from any and all claims, damages, losses, causes of action, and the like relating to, connected with, or arising from the use of the device or from this Agreement. I agree to the guidelines and procedures outlined on this form and agree to take full responsibility (including financial) for the Chromebook. I give permission for my child to sign out a technology device for use at home. I decline permission for my child to sign out a technology device for use at home. Student Name: Parent Name: Relation to Student: Parent Signature: Date: STUDENTS MUST RETURN THIS DEVICE ON THE DAY CLASSES RESUME FILLED OUT BY EMPLOYEES Serial Number of Device:
Flyer ID 969231
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