GALVEZ EVERY PIRA 3 10 17 31 BUY IN STORE Sun BOX EARN CASH FOR TOPS YOUR SCHOOL WHEN YOU SCAH MIDDLE $4 EVERY DAY BUY ONLINE SIGN UP 4 Mon PAMILY OWNED Community COFFEE cash for schools Serving Our Children Basketball vs. Gonzales away B-DAY 11 Basketball vs. Lowery @home A-DAY 18 Basketball vs. Central away DECEMBER 5 A-DAY 12 Early Dismissal 11:30 COLOR WARS 6th-neon yellow 7th-neon orange 8th-neon pink (students must wear uniform bottoms) B-DAY 19 Tue A-DAY 26 6 B-DAY 13 Wed A-DAY 20 B-DAY 27 7 Thu Basketball vs. Ascension A-DAY B-DAY Shelley Farmer Principal Christy Dixon Assistant Principal 14 Basketball vs. Lake @home ONLINE SCHOOL PAYMENTS: 28 8 1 Winter Band Concert. STA High @ 6 pm A-DAY Basketball-St. Theresa Tournament 9 B-DAY 15 A-DAY 22 Fri 21 CLUB DAY Early Dismissal 11:30 Santa and his Helpers... dress the part- Christmas Holidays begin-return Santa, his elves, reindeer or Jan. 8th, 2024 any other Santa related character 29 B-DAY 25 30 MERRY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS...NO SCHOOL CHRISTMAS Important January Dates: Jan. 8th-Students return to school Jan. 11th-Early Dismissal Jan. 15th-Martin Luther King Holiday-No school 2 16 Sat 23
Flyer ID 2584312
Sent from Ascension PS
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