Hallsville R Iv

Intermediate School Supply List

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H Third Grade Supply List 3-4 packs of EXPO dry erase board markers (no neon colors) 1 - 12" non-bendy ruler with inch and centimeter 2-packages number 2 plain yellow pencils (no decorative pencils or mechanical) HALLSVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 2023-2024 SUPPLY LIST 1-packages of glue sticks 2-wide lined, perforated, spiral notebook 2 - composition notebooks 1 - package wide-ruled loose leaf notebook paper 1 - box of 24 crayons 1 - package of 10 markers 2 large boxes of tissues 1 - small plastic/regular school box 1 - pair of pointed scissors 1 - box of colored pencils 2- big pink erasers 2-1 inch 3-ring white binders (gently used binders may be reused) 1 - yellow folder without prongs 1- blue folder without prongs 1 container Clorox wipes 1- earbuds that can be kept at school (no large headphones please) 1- yellow highlighter 1- red pen Last names A-M: 1 box gallon bags Last names: N-Z: 1 box sandwich bags 48 #2 pencils or 12 mechanical pencils (students provide their own lead) 1 pkg. of 3 large erasers 1 zippered pencil pouches 1 pair pointed scissors 1 bottle of glue Clorox Wipes Diaper Wipes Kleenex Snacks Fourth Grade Supply List 1 - package of #2 plain yellow pencils (no decorative pencils) 2- packages of pencil top erasers 1- big pink eraser 2-package of large size, EXPO brand markers (black preferred, NO neon colors) 1- supply box 1 - package of colored pencils (box of 12) 1 - package of markers (box of 10 broad line) 1 - pair of pointed scissors 2 - pk of wide-ruled lined loose leaf paper 1 - pk of index cards 1-spiral notebook 1 - package of glue sticks 1-2 pocket folder (red without prongs) 21" inch white binder with front cover sleeves 1-1/2" inch white binder with front cover sleeve 1 - pair of earbuds (these will be left at school at all times) 4-packages of write-on dividers/tabs for binders (5 tabs) Last names A-M: 1 box of tissues Last names: N-Z: 1 container of Clorox wipes Fifth Grade Supply List 1 - package of markers (box of 10) 1 pkg. colored pencils (at least 12 in the pack) 2 boxes of tissues 5 composition notebooks- 100 sheets (sewn spines are best) (preferred colors: red, green, orange, yellow **There is no need to label your child's supplies. Teachers will have more information at the beginning of the year.** 5 folders (red, green, blue, yellow, orange) 1 pkg. of 4 highlighters (assorted colors) 8 dry erase markers, EXPO brand is preferred 2-3 pads of regular sized post-it notes 1 set of earbuds/headphones that can be kept at school 1 binder with front cover sleeve (1-1/2 in.) (gently used binders may be reused) 1 packages of dividers/tabs for binders (5 tabs) 1 box of gallon-sized zip baggies Nurse (Optional) Ziploc's Travel size deodorant Feminine Hygiene Products

Flyer ID 2502693

Sent from Hallsville R Iv

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