Ascension PS

Student News 01.23.23

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RPCC ASCENSION EARLY COLLEGE OPTION Early College Option Student Weekly News Making Awesome Happen the ECO way!!! Monday, January 23rd Academic Dress Down Week $5 please utilize the Online School Payments Prairieville MS Recruitment Visit 8th Grade Informational Night at RPCC 6pm 9th graders begin studying for their 2nd Edgenuity course (PE or Health) they will test on Friday, February 3rd Tuesday, January 24th Early Dismissal at 12pm (DHS doesn't have EARLY DISMISSAL. Their bus will bring them directly to their homes from RPCC) Wednesday, January 25th Career Coach on Campus Thursday, January 26th Career Coach on Campus TOPS Virtual Meeting (Look for email from the Career Coach) Friday, January 27th Check Canvas for College Grades TOPS VIRTUAL MEETING (Look for email from the Career Coach

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Sophomore Drivers Please see the RPCC Student Services to receive a Student Parking Decal. You will need your RPCC ID and License Plate Number. Also please see Mrs. Joseph for a student driver informational to discuss driver procedures and safety. Dress Code Reminder: NO Hoodies and Skirts should be 3 inches above the knee From Mrs. Melynda, School Secretary Boston/New York Trip for April 2024 on January 31st at 6pm in Room 154. You may contact Mrs Melynda at or 225-391-2150 for more information EARLY COLLEGE STUDENTS ONLY - 10th grade English III A.P. - The Great Gatsby. 10th graders will start reading by the end of February. The cut-off for ordering is January 31, 2023 Early College 2022-23 English III A.P. Test - 2022/2023 will be open Monday, January 9th. Each student will be tagged with the correct fees per their home high school's fees. All 10th graders are required to take the AP Exam on May 9th. Fees must be paid by February 1st. If you do not see your fees please contact Mrs. Melynda. If you do not have your RPCC Course books please stop by the ECO office Monday or Tuesday.

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Early College Option 8th Grade Parent Informational Night January 23, February 15, or March 20, 2023 @ 6pm at RPCC Applications are open on PowerSchool beginning January 9th. If you would like a paper copy of the application please email or Looking forward to meeting our new scholars. Directions for PowerSchool Application: Login to Parent Portal Click forms → Click Early College Option Admissions Application Link Please share with your family and friends interested in applying for their son or daughter for the 2023-2024 school year. Dates to Remember ACT for Sophomores Any Sophomore who does not have an ACT score of 18-English and 21-Math will take the Accuplacer test for College Class Placement March 8th.

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