Kent School District

Watts Happening: News from Dr. Watts Nov 2020

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WATTSHAPPENING SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE WITH DR. CALVIN J. WATTS NOVEMBER 2020 Dear KSD Community, On Tuesday, our country and the KSD Community voiced their collective opinion in the democratic process to select our future leaders and make decisions on important ballot measures at the local, state, and federal levels. The Kent School District has 130 home languages, and 67% of our students are students of color. We have gender non-conforming students and students whose interests align with our society's gender norms. 12.1% of our students need additional supports and services through an active IEP to be more successful. Our students come from families with different political beliefs and may have different feelings about this electionoutcome. Our school district is a snapshot of this country across 72 square miles serving over 25,000 students. We are faced with the extraordinary task of creating an inclusive environment that celebrates and honors all of these differences. We strive to get better at that every single day. We know that students, families, and staff will have different reactions to Tuesday's election outcome. We honor our democratic values and traditions, and we will carry on with our mission to successfully prepare all students for their futures. I want to assure you that the Kent School District remains invested in all of our students regardless of ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation. Similarly, we remain committed to leading age-appropriate, non-biased classroom discussions as 'teachable moments' arise. We will not tolerate acts of bullying, harassment, and intimidation. We are dedicated to addressing any unactable 'teachable moments' in a way that we become stronger in living out our core value of equity within our schools. In partnership and service, Dr. Calvin J. Watts Kent School District KSD Wellness Challenge Week - November 16-20 1-30 Native American Heritage NOV Month During American Education Week, our district is focusing on wellness November 16-20. Physical and mental wellness are very closely connected. Mental health plays a major role in your ability to maintain good physical health. 9-13 National School NOV Psychology Week 11 Veterans Day NOV 12 NOV Each day will be a new challenge for families, staff, and students to complete. After completing the daily challenge, fill out a survey and upload a photo or comment about your challenge. Meal Distribution 18 Board Work Session and NOV Regular Meeting 26-27 Thanksgiving, No School Be kind to yourself and have fun! NOV - UPCOMING EVENTS

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Kent Schools Foundation Hosts Online Fundraiser in Support of Kent Students Kent Schools Foundation (KSF) is a non-profit dedicated to engaging with families, educators, businesses, and the broader community to fund innovative and supportive learning opportunities for every student in the Kent School District. KSF is taking its third annual fundraiser online for 30 days to raise funds for the Foundation during November. November 1-30 is officially #KSFGiving, and everyone is invited! The KSF Board decided to turn what would have been the third annual auction into an online fundraiser this year, not letting COVID stop the momentum this non-profit has had the last two years supporting students, classrooms, and schools in the Kent School District. KENT H NOVEMBER SCHOOLS FOUNDATION BRIDGE FUTURE 18 The funds raised during #KSFGiving will support annual classroom grants, KSD Students scholarships, and more. This unprecedented time has severely impacted our most vulnerable populations, many of whom face daily shortages of the most basic human needs. This year, in response to the COVID pandemic, the Kent Schools Foundation awarded $28,000 in community grants to organizations supporting KSD students and families. These critical organizations continue to supply basic needs to our children and families, essentials like food, clothing, housing support, and more. Thank you to our partners who continue this work Iraqi Community Center of Washington, Kent Community Foundation, Kent Food Bank, Living Well Kent, Mother Africa, The Storehouse, World Relief Seattle, and Degh Tegh. Donations are being accepted all month long through Thank You For Participating in the Boundary Survey! A huge thank you to our community for the incredible response to the school attendance boundary survey. The school board commissioned the MGT Consulting Group to analyze all school attendance boundaries and conducted the survey from October 9 - 25. MGT reported that this survey's response is double of any school districts they have worked with over the last few years, with 7,578 family surveys completed. This comprises 34.4 percent participation from our families representing every school and multiple languages in our district. Also, there were 993 community member responses to the survey. Our sincere appreciation for each family and community member who contributed their time to complete a survey and provided information to help guide MGT Consulting Group as they continue the boundary study. Additional opportunities for community engagement continue with upcoming community engagement meetings. Be sure to watch for Invitations and reminders that will be sent through KSD communication platforms. A final report and recommendations will be presented to the school board in January 2021. Implementation of new school attendance boundaries will begin in the 2021-2022 school year. KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT EQUITY - EXCELLENCE - COMMUNITY

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