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KIDS Food Smarts Virtual Class

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KIDS Food Smarts Virtual Class FREE 6-WEEKS OF FAMILY NUTRITION Join us for Free and Fun nutrition education workshops for whole families Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, July 15- August 19 food smarts REGISTER HERE by 07/13/2020 TO PARTCIPATE: Food Smarts Virtual Class Registration Form The zoom link will be sent to you via email. We will deliver the incentives (Food Smart workbook, t-shirts, a cookbook, and recipe cards) to the first 20 families who register by mail. Other resources will be mailed out upon completion of the course. We will be featuring locally grown, freshly picked, in- season produce from the farmers' market. Supporting the local farmers market helps our families and community health. > July 15, 2020 "Setting the Stage for Healthy Choices" July 22, 2020 "What is On a Healthy Plate?" July 29, 2020 "Learning about Whole Foods" > August 5, 2020 "Understanding Labels and Ingredients" August 12, 2020 "Best Practices for Healthy Living" August 19, 2020 "Smart Strategies for Shopping and Cooking" For more information, contact Sunny: Phone :( 707) 464-3191 ext.2830 Find us at the Facebook Champions for Change in Crescent City and the website Del Norte CalFresh Healthy Living Ca Fresh Leah's PANTRY Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. HEALTHY LIVING

Flyer ID 1004271

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